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The formula for multiplicatin and addition is that you multiply th area and you add the perimiter for example if you had a sqare and each side were 4in. and inside had 16 blocks in there it would be 4 times 4 and you wold get 16, so 16+16=32 so thats the answer.And thats how you use the formula.

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Q: What is formula in math for perimeter and area for multiplication and addition?
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Formula of a rectangle?

There is no formula for a rectangle. There are formula for calculating its area, perimeter or length of diagonals from its sides, or it is possible to calculate the length of one pair of sides given the other sides and the area or perimeter, or the two lots of sides given area and perimeter and so on.

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You get the largest area with a circle. Divide the perimeter by (2 x pi), then calculate the area with the formula pi x radius2.You get the largest area with a circle. Divide the perimeter by (2 x pi), then calculate the area with the formula pi x radius2.You get the largest area with a circle. Divide the perimeter by (2 x pi), then calculate the area with the formula pi x radius2.You get the largest area with a circle. Divide the perimeter by (2 x pi), then calculate the area with the formula pi x radius2.

What is the formula for circle segment?

The answer will depend on what the formula is for: the perimeter or area of the segment.

Who was the mathematician who discovered the formula for perimeter and area?

it was Archimedes

What is the formula for surface area if the only measurement you have is the perimeter?

There can be no such formula in general. A formula will exist if the area is a regular polygon (or a circle).

What is the area and perimeter of square?

The formula for the area of a square is: s * s where s = length of a side The formula for the perimeter of a square is: 4 * s where s = length of a side

What is the formula for measuring area within a given perimeter such as a square?

The formula for measuring the area of a square is s2, where s is the length of one of the sides. The perimeter would be 4s.

Is area the same with perimeter?

perimeter is different from area because example is in rectangle from formula until you get the answer you can easily see the difference

What is the formula for finding the area of a regular polygon with perimeter P and apothegm length a?

Area of regular polygon: 0.5*apothem*perimeter