thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty nine, forty
Thirty thousand twenty-two and forty-seven thousandths in standard form is 32,022.047
Three million, seven hundred forty-two thousand, thirty-seven and thirty-six hundredths.
Seven minutes, thirty seconds to twenty-two minutes, twenty-nine seconds rounds to :15 Twenty-two minutes, thirty seconds to thirty-seven minutes, twenty-nine seconds rounds to :30 Thirty-seven minutes, thirty seconds to fifty-two minutes, twenty-nine seconds rounds to :45 Fifty-two minutes, thirty seconds to seven minutes, twenty-nine seconds rounds to the hour.
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four twenty six twenty seven twenty eight twenty nine thirty thirty one thirty two thirty three thirty four thirty five thirty six thirty seven thirty eight thirty nine forty forty one forty two forty three forty four forty five forty six forty seven forty eight forty nine fifty
New South Wales was not split in 1788. It was claimed for England, and its boundaries extended from Cape York, in the latitude of ten degrees thirty-seven minutes south, to South Cape, at forty-three degrees thirty-nine minutes south and west to the one hundred and thirty-fifth degree of east longitude. It included all the islands adjacent in the Pacific Ocean to ten degrees thirty-seven minutes south and forty-three degrees thirty-nine minutes south.
thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty nine, forty
This is Fifteen Degrees.
Two hundred thirty-three thousand, seven hundred forty
Thirty thousand twenty-two and forty-seven thousandths in standard form is 32,022.047
Thirty-seven and forty-six hundredths.
Three million, seven hundred forty-two thousand, thirty-seven and thirty-six hundredths.
Seven minutes, thirty seconds to twenty-two minutes, twenty-nine seconds rounds to :15 Twenty-two minutes, thirty seconds to thirty-seven minutes, twenty-nine seconds rounds to :30 Thirty-seven minutes, thirty seconds to fifty-two minutes, twenty-nine seconds rounds to :45 Fifty-two minutes, thirty seconds to seven minutes, twenty-nine seconds rounds to the hour.
Seven minutes, thirty seconds to twenty-two minutes, twenty-nine seconds rounds to :15 Twenty-two minutes, thirty seconds to thirty-seven minutes, twenty-nine seconds rounds to :30 Thirty-seven minutes, thirty seconds to fifty-two minutes, twenty-nine seconds rounds to :45 Fifty-two minutes, thirty seconds to seven minutes, twenty-nine seconds rounds to the hour.
One hundred forty-three million, six hundred thirty-seven thousand.