One hundred fifty-eight dollarsFor writing a check: One hundred fifty-eight and 00/100 dollars$158.00
Fifty-eight thousand, seven hundred and fifty-two dollars
One percent of $50,000,000 (fifty million dollars) is $500,000 (five hundred thousand dollars, or half a million dollars).
20% of $150 dollars is $30.
eight hundred and forty dollars
Fifty percent means half. Half of four hundred is two hundred.
One hundred thousand dollars.
One hundred fifty-eight dollarsFor writing a check: One hundred fifty-eight and 00/100 dollars$158.00
Eight hundred and fifty nine dollars.
Fifty-eight thousand, seven hundred and fifty-two dollars
The number 850.00 is "eight hundred fifty" (and no hundredths). The currency value $850.00 is "eight hundred fifty dollars" (and no cents).
One percent of $50,000,000 (fifty million dollars) is $500,000 (five hundred thousand dollars, or half a million dollars).
one hundred and eight point five six one hundred and eight dollars and fifty-six cents one hundred and eight and fifty-six hundredths
20% of $150 dollars is $30.
The answer is Two hundred and ten thousand dollars.