You can write one thousand five hundred eighty dollars as either $1,580 or one thousand five hundred eighty dollars.
380,000 = three hundred and eighty thousand
80% of $12,500= 80% * 12500= 0.8 * 12500= $10,000
It is: 0.20*80,000 = 16,000 dollars
Two hundred eighty one dollars.
You can write one thousand five hundred eighty dollars as either $1,580 or one thousand five hundred eighty dollars.
One thousand six hundred eighty-four dollars and eighty centsFor check-writing: One thousand six hundred eighty-four and 80/100 dollars
0.3 x $14,289 = $4,286.70
380,000 = three hundred and eighty thousand
80% of $12,500= 80% * 12500= 0.8 * 12500= $10,000
One thousand two hundred eighty one dollars.
It is: 0.20*80,000 = 16,000 dollars
Nine hundred eighty thousand dollars
Seventeen thousand two hundred [and] eighty dollars.