Four and two hundred three thousandths (4.203*) in standard form is 4.203 × 100
*this is the standard notation
Three hundred four ten-thousandths in standard form = 3.04 × 10-2
The standard form for four and two hundred three thousandths (4.203) is 4.203 × 100
Three hundred and one thousand three ten-thousandths in standard form is written as: 300.1003
Five and two hundred three ten-thousandths written in standard form is: 5.0203 × 100
Three hundred three thousandths in the standard form is 0.303
Three hundred and fifteen thousandths (0.315) in standard form = 3.15 × 10-1
Nine hundred three thousandths (0.903) in standard form is 9.03 × 10-1
Three hundred four ten-thousandths in standard form = 3.04 × 10-2
Three hundred twenty-nine ten-thousandths is written as: "0.000329" in standard form.
Seven and sixty-three hundred-thousandths (7.00063) in standard form is: 7.00063 × 100
The standard form for four and two hundred three thousandths (4.203) is 4.203 × 100
Three hundred and one thousand three ten-thousandths in standard form is written as: 300.1003
how do you write two and three hundred eight thousandths in strandard form
The standard form of six hundred and three-tenths (600.3) is: 6.003 × 102
Three hundred eighty-seven ten-thousandths in standard notation = 0.0387