To print out pages much bigger than you can get on a regular printer like maps and posters also to print vector graphics
To print out pages much bigger than you can get on a regular printer like maps and posters also to print vector graphics
raster image = monitor, laser printer or ink-jet printer vector image = graphics plotter
Not every relation is a function. But every function is a relation. Function is just a part of relation.
The cubic function.
A plotter is a graphics printer that uses a pen or pencil to draw images. A plotter cutter is a plotter in which the plotting pen has been replaced with a knife or a sharp blade.
its a plotter which print graphics with the help of machanism
The word plotter has several meanings. In the world of technology, a plotter is a computer printer used for printing vector graphics. Otherwise, a plotter could mean someone who plans or plots something.
what is a plotter what type of users need it
To print out pages much bigger than you can get on a regular printer like maps and posters also to print vector graphics
To print out pages much bigger than you can get on a regular printer like maps and posters also to print vector graphics
Plotter is a non-impact printer
The output from a plotter is hard copy!
Humphrey Littleton - plotter - was born in 1576.
There is no 'best' plotter. It is the one most appropriate and within your budget.
Changed based on post by in Discuss:What is the basic function of plotter in a computerized embroidery pattern making machine with plotter and how does it differ from a machine that doesn't have a plotter? This question may include the description of an obsolete model embroidery machine. In earlier machines the data was fed to the machine with the help of a huge device known as a "plotter". Such plotters were basically graph sheet like gadgets on which the drawing would be reproduced so that the x,y co-ordinates of the points of the design could be determined and fed to the machine. Today this is replaced by new technology called digital plotting wherein the designs are converted into machine readable format by using some digitizing software which determines the x,y co-ordinates of the points comprised in the design and records them. This recorded data is then transferred to a floppy disc or cd-rom and can then be fed into the machine.
A plotter