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Q: What is geometric instrument what are used to measure the length of a segment the Compass or the straight edge explain your answer?
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Postulate, Corollary, Definition, & Theorem

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Yo could try using logic.

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it just a straight line

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The Hydraulis is the first keyboard instrument.

How do earth's magnetic properties explain how compass work?

The magnet in the compass is attracted to the magnetic field in the Earth's core. The N on the compass always point to magnetic north.... Don't get that confused with geographical north. They are different. Hope this helps.

What is a compass Explain how it works.?

A compass is a navigational tool that uses the Earth's magnetic field to determine direction. The needle inside the compass is magnetized and aligns itself with the Earth's magnetic field. By pointing the compass needle towards north, a person can determine the cardinal directions (north, south, east, west).

What does a straight line on a knitting chart mean?

Look for the key to the symbols on your graph, which will explain the straight line.

Name two tools that improved sailing and explain why they were important?

the magnetic compass and the astrolabe because it lead them to were they wanted to go