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A geometrical straight line is infinite but if it has defined end points then it is a line segment.

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Q: What is geometrical line?
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Which geometrical object has least sides?

A straight line perhaps

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It is the circle's diameter

What is a curve?

A geometrical curve is defined as any set of points. Therefore, counter-intuitively, a straight line is also a geometrical curve.

Why are snowflakes geometrical?

because they can fold and line up like a heart

What is the geometrical term for the lie that bisects a circle?

Not sure about a lie, but such a line is called the diameter.

Definition for a line in math?

A geometrical object that is straight, infinitely long and infinitely thin.

What is a process of making a line angle or figure according to specific requirements?

It is a geometrical construction

What is a geometrical line?

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Draw a line down the of an insect What do you notice about both sides of the line What geometrical term is used to describe this characteristic?

A mirror image of an object is said to have a line of symmetry

What is the geometrical representation of a linear equation?

A line, "living" in N-dimensional space, where N is the number of variables.

Is circumscribe a word?

The word "circumscribe" means to draw a line around, to limit, or confine, or, in a more mathematical sense, to draw one geometrical figure around a second geometrical figure so that one surrounds, but does not touch, the other.