It means "Give you are answer to decimal places". I consider it a grammatically flawed statement which is too vague to be a meaningful instruction.
4186.666667 rounded of to two decimal places = 4186.67
0.6851 to 4 decimal places 0.685 to three decimal places 0.69 to two decimal places 0.7 to one decimal place
"Decimal places".
To find the number of decimal places in a product of decimal numbers, add up the total number of decimal places in each of the factors. For example, if you have 2.5 multiplied by 4.75, there are two decimal places in 2.5 and two decimal places in 4.75, so the product will have a total of four decimal places.
4186.666667 rounded of to two decimal places = 4186.67
Move the decimal point two places to the left to give 0.954
Move the decimal point two places to the left to give 0.90 !
232.42 Rounding makes a number simpler, and a decimal shorter. This number has only two decimal places to begin with, and rounding can't give it three.
0.017 is a number which is given to 3 decimal places. The equivalent number, at four decimal places, is 0.0170 but any number in the interval (0.0165, 0.0175), when rounded to four decimal places would give 0.017 to three.
Look at the third decimal place. It is a 5, so it will round up the second decimal to give 0.69 as your answer.
There will be five decimal places.
0.6851 to 4 decimal places 0.685 to three decimal places 0.69 to two decimal places 0.7 to one decimal place
"Decimal places".
4.7 percent can be written as a decimal by dividing 4.7 by 100. This give the answer of 0.047. The decimal point will move two places to the left.
To find the number of decimal places in a product of decimal numbers, add up the total number of decimal places in each of the factors. For example, if you have 2.5 multiplied by 4.75, there are two decimal places in 2.5 and two decimal places in 4.75, so the product will have a total of four decimal places.
Two decimal places.