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This could be something called bells palsey. (My spelling is terrible so bear with me). This causes facial paralysis during stressful moments, usually only on one side of the face. Although it is temporary, there are rare cases where the face does not unparalyze and therapy is needed in order to restore some of the muscles to semi working condition

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Q: What is going on if you experience facial paralysis on one side of your face during a stressful moment which lasted less than two hours?
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Karsten Kettel has written: 'Peripheral facial palsy' -- subject(s): Facial paralysis, Paralysis, Facial

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People suffering from the facial nerve paralysis usually suffer from the inflammation of facial nerves.

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It depends on the cause of the paralysis.

Where can someone find information about reversing facial paralysis?

For cutting edge information, it is best to directly consult research oriented medical programs such as Penn State Hershey, UPMC, and the Mayo Clinic. Some organizations exist specifically for facial paralysis, such as the Facial Paralysis Institute. The Standford hospital has a dedicated web page for facial paralysis treatment.

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Bell's Palsy is one. Dysfunctional cranial nerve causes partial facial paralysis

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Bell's palsy

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Partial facial paralysis is the main symptom.

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20% of patients with TSP may also experience: deafness, double vision, dysmetria, exaggerated reflexes, facial paralysis, tremor.

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