

What is grade 2 hemorroids?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What is grade 2 hemorroids?
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Do hemorroids fall off?

No, they shrink with time or use of medication.

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Are hemorroids a sign of pregnancy?

Yes. caused by increased blood flow and whatnot

What Dr. deals with hemorroids?

A proctologist would most likely deal with hemorrhoids.

What is the medical term meaning swollen veins in the anus?

HemmorhoidThe condition is known as hemorrhoids. In Endland, the condition can be known as piles.HemorrhoidsHemorrhoidsMost likely piles, although best to be consulted by a professional.

Give a sentence with the word horrendous?

This is a horrendous question. I am appalled at the horrendous hemorroids on that hematode.

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grade 3 is a highier grade but 2 is lower, n

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his last name OS romberger and the grade is 2 his last name is romberger and the grade is 2

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2 out of 9 is 22% That will get the lowest grade possible.