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1.73 is greater than -1.79

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Q: What is greater z score -1.79 or 1.73?
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What is measured by the sign of a z-score?

The sign of the z score is negative if the observation was below the mean and positive if it was greater.

Can a negative z score be greater than a positive z score?

Assume the z-score is relative to zero score. In simple terms, assume that we have 0 < z < z0, where z0 is the arbitrary value. Then, a negative z-score can be greater than a positive z-score (yes). How? Determine the probability of P(-2 < z < 0) and P(0 < z < 1). Then, by checking the z-value table, you should get: P(-2 < z < 0) ≈ 0.47725 P(0 < z < 1) ≈ 0.341345

What is a z- score considered to be if it is less than negative two or greater than two?

The z score is -2 or +2!

What is measured by the numerator of the z-score test statistic?

The z-score, for a value z, is the probability that a Standard Normal random variable will have a value greater than z.

What is the probability of randomly selecting a z score greater than z equals -80?

0.7881 approx.

What is the probability of randomly selecting a score from a normal distribution with a value greater than z equals -2?

Pr(Z > -2) = 97.725%

What does a high z score mean?

It means that the random variable in question is considerably greater than the mean.

What is the difference between Z-Test and The Z-score?

The Z-score is just the score. The Z-test uses the Z-score to compare to the critical value. That is then used to establish if the null hypothesis is refused.

What is the z score of 1.0?

It is the value that is one standard deviation greater than the mean of a Normal (Gaussian) distribution.

What is z score of area 0.75?

what is the z score for 0.75

Calculate the z-score for a test score of 87 if the mean test score is 81.1 and standrd deviation is 11.06?

z score = (test score - mean score)/SD z score = (87-81.1)/11.06z score = 5.9/11.06z score = .533You can use a z-score chart to calculate the probability from there.

Can you have a z score above 3?

Yes. However, a z-score greater than 3 implies either that the outcome is rare (prob = 0.135%) or that some of the assumptions regarding the variable are incorrect. This could be the distribution itself or its parameters.