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An obtuse angle is greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees

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Q: What is greatest number of degrees for an obtuse angle?
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What is the greatest number of degrees in an obtuse angle?

179 degrees

What is the greatest measurement that an obtuse angle can have?

179.99 degrees

What is the least number of degrees in an obtuse angle?

91 degrees

If an angle is obtuse then it has a measure of 120 degrees?

When an angle has a measure of 120 degrees, it is an obtuse angle. When an angle is an obtuse angle its measure is between 90 and 180 degrees. That is: 90 degrees < obtuse angle < 180 degrees.

Why is a obtuse angle called a obtuse angle?

A obtuse angle is called an obtuse angle because if obtuse means bigger in degrees and a right angle is 90 degrees than a obtuse angle must be over 90 degrees.

Is 100 degrees an obtuse angle?

An obtuse angle is any angle greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees.Yes. An obtuse angle is geometrically greater that a right angle. Any number degree larger than 90 degrees is obtuse, as any number degree lesser than 90 degrees is acute.An easy way to remember this:Acute - A cute lil' angleObtuse - Obese, big angle

What is the greatest measurement of a obtuse angle?

179.9999 degrees, with infinite 9's.

Why can't an obtuse triangle not have a right angle?

Because an obtuse angle is greater than 90 degrees by definition and a right angle is 90 degrees by definition, so an obtuse triangle would need to have both a right angle and an obtuse angle, which would exceed the number of degrees than a triangle can have, which is 180 degrees.

Which is the least whole number of degrees an obtuse angle can have?

90 degrees

Does an right angle have an obtuse angle?

First: A right angle is an angle of 90 degrees Second: An obtuse angle is an angle of 91 degrees to 179 degrees A right angle can not have an obtuse angle

What is the greatest number of obtuse angles that a triangle can have?

Just one. The internal angles of a triangle always add up to 180 degrees. An obtuse angle has a value of more than 90 degrees. Therefore it is impossible for a triangle to have more than 1 obtuse angle.

Is an obtuse angle 110 degrees?

No, though an 110 degrees angle is an obtuse angle. An obtuse angle is any angle whose measure is in the range (90, 180) degrees.