An eighth. 1/8 In monetary terms, there used to be a coin which was worth 1/2 of a quarter or 1/8 of a dollar. It was referred to as a 'bit', hence the phrase "two bits" meaning the 25 cent coin or quarter.
quarter Moon if its half of a sphere then its half moon
the answer is 1/8th
Neither is. They're equal.
A Half quarter is usually 3.5 grams.
Half of 60 is 30. A quarter is half of that- so 15P.
A quarter of a circle
three quarters
It is called the first quarter moon when half of the moon is illuminated. It occurs about one week after a new moon and is when the moon is waxing towards being full.
quarter Moon if its half of a sphere then its half moon
Quarter is half of a half
A half of a quarter of a circle is 1/8 of a circle. There are four pieces making 1/4. If you split all of them into halves you have eighths.
half white, a quarter filipino and a quarter black.
A dotted quarter note. (One beat for the quarter note and half a beat for the dot.)
quarter moon
A quarter rest is half of a half rest. So there are two quarter rests in a half rest. 3 half rests is 6 quarter rests.
When the right half of the moon is illuminated it would be called first quarter. (That's when you see the Moon from the northern hemisphere.)
the answer is 1/8th