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Q: What is half purto rican half hillbilly?
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What is young berg's ethnicity?

Black && Purto Rican

What is Jennette mccurdy's ethnic background?

shes actually Irish and purto rican

What does Hola mean in Purto Rican Spanish?

It means: "HELLO" in all types of Spanish.

Whose Datin' Ken-Y?

ken-y is going out with ana isabelle this purto rican singer.....they both love the PIANO

Is Don Omar married?

He is married to Jackie Guerrido a news reporter for weather. She is purto rican. She moved to the Bronx when she graduated from high school with her parents.

What nationality is fat joe the rapper?

Fat Joe is half Puerto Rican, half Cuban.

One parent Irish and one parent Puerto Rican what am I?

If your parents are full blooded Irish and Puerto Rican-you are half Irish/half Puerto Rican.

What culture was Selena?

Selena is Mexican and peurto rican her mom is peurto rican and her dad is Mexican she is half and half

Is Bruno Mars black?

Bruno mars is white people say he is not but he is i have done my research and he is white

Is nas half Puerto Rican?


Is Lloyd banks Puerto Rican?

He Is Half Puerto Rican, Half African American. Father is black(passedaway) mother puertorican

Is Ronnie Italian?

He is half Italian and half Puerto Rican