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It refers to two event which are equally likely to occur.

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Q: What is having the same probability?
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What mathematical term is used in having the same probability?

Equiprobable, but I would stick with simplicity of communication and go with "having the same probability".

What is the probability of 2 or more people in a a group of about 30 having the same birthday?

The probability with 30 people is 0.7063 approx.

What is the probability of having the same number when rolling a dice twice?

If it is a regular dice then the probability is 3/6 that is 1/2

What is a 13 letter word that means having the same probability?

equally likely

What are the probabilities of rolling a a five with one dice?

Rolling the dice once will result in any one of the six numbers having the same probability of being up. The probability of getting a '5' = 1/6, the same as getting a '1.' ============================

What is the probability of getting a combination of arthritis symptoms?

Fairly small, hower as there are over a hundred different forms of the disease amd there is a separate statistical probability for having any of them. Having one form of arthritis does not necssarily preclude you from having another and at imes leads you to being in a situation where the results are the same.

If the probability of a defect is 0.015 what is the probability of not having a defect?

1-.015 = .985

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How are experimental probability and theoretical probability the same?

They are methods of obtaining the probability of an event.

How can theoretical probability and experimental probability be the same?


If 15 strangers are all in a room what is the probability of them all having the same birthday?

To determine the probability of 15 random people all having the same birthday, consider each person one at a time. (This is for the non leap-year case.)The probability of any person having any birthday is 365 in 365, or 1.The probability of any other person having that same birthday is 1 in 365, or 0.00274.The probability, then, of 15 random people having the same birthday is the product of these probabilities, or 0.0027414 times 1, or 1.34x10-36.Note: This answer assumes also that the distribution of birthdays for a large group of people in uniformly random over the 365 days of the year. That is probably not actually true. There are several non-random points of conception, some of which are spring, Valentine's day, and Christmas, depending of culture and religion. That makes the point of birth, nine months later, also be non-uniform, so that can skew the results.

What is events that have the same probability?

They are "events that have the same probability". Nothing more, nothing less.