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Helium accounts for around 8% of the volume of all matter (baryonic particles) in the universe.

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Q: What is helium percent by volume?
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What is the volume of 10.9 mol of helium at STP?

The volume of 10.9 mol of helium at STP is 50 litres.

Does helium has volume?

yes i does

What percent of hydrogen is fused to helium in the sun and what percent is fused to energy?

99.993 % into Helium, .007 % into energy.

Is helium dence?

depends on the size of its container and volume of helium filling it

When a helium balloon rises in the air it expands. If the volume of the balloon doubles what happens to the density of the helium inside it?

If the volume of the helium balloon doubles as it rises, the density of the helium inside it decreases. This is because the same amount of helium gas is now spread out over a larger volume, leading to a lower density.

Would a balloon float longer if it had 100 percent helium or half helium and half oxygen?

100% helium

What is Jupiter's composition in percent?

Jupiter's composition is primarily hydrogen (about 75%) and helium (about 24%). The rest of its composition consists of trace elements such as methane, ammonia, water, and other compounds.

What will be the volume of 1g of helium at ntp in liters?

At NTP (standard temperature and pressure), which is 0 degrees Celsius and 1 atm pressure, the volume occupied by 1 gram of helium would be approximately 22.4 liters. This value is based on the ideal gas law and the molar mass of helium.

When a helium balloon rises in the air it expands If the volume of the balloon doubles what happens to the density of the helium inside it?

If the volume of the balloon doubles while the mass of helium remains the same, the density of helium inside the balloon would decrease by half. Density is calculated as mass divided by volume, so if volume doubles and mass stays the same, the density will decrease.

What is the percent of helium in the air?

The percentage of helium in Earth's atmosphere is very low, around 0.0005%. Most helium on Earth is found in natural gas deposits underground and is extracted through specialized processes, as it is not a significant component of the air we breathe.

What percent of the Neptunian atmosphere is helium?

Planet Neptune's atmosphere comprises approximately 19% helium (±3.2%).

What is the volume of 84.6 grams of helium at stp?

The volume of any gas at STP (standard temperature and pressure) is 22.4 L/mol. The molar mass of helium is 4.0026 g/mol. So, 84.6 grams of helium would be 84.6/4.0026 = 21.1 mol. Therefore, the volume of 84.6 grams of helium at STP would be 21.1 mol * 22.4 L/mol = 472.64 L.