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Q: What is higher without a head than with one?
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How do you torque head bolts without torque angle meter?

Torquing head bolts without a torque angle meter is substantially harder than with one but it is very much possible. All it requires is keeping a steady hand and a keen eye on your work.

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3.22 is higher than 3.0.

What is the best type of electric razor single head or multiple head?

The best type of electric razor is a multiple head razor because it will shave more area at a time than the single head. However, maintenance cost might be a little higher with the multiple head because, instead of just one razor head to sharpen, there will be two or more heads.

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Trendelenburg position is one with the feet higher than the head. Trendelenburg sign is evidence of muscle weakness or other pathology in the hip; it is present when the patient stands on one leg and the other hip drops.

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A is one half-step higher than A-flat.

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About $12000 for one without a broken neck!

What has a flat surface that is higher on one end than the other?

inclined plane ,thats a flat surface that is higher on one end.IsNT IT WHAT YOU WHERE LOOKING FOR ?

Can a mean average ever be higher than a median average?

Yes. If the predominant data are higher than the median, the mean average will be higher than the median average. For example, the median average of the numbers one through ten is five. The mean average is five and one-half.

Is a blood alcohol content of 0.11 percent higher than one of .16 percent?

no the higher the content the higher the number ..breath or blood