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a formal restable statement

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Q: What is hypothesis in biology?
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A hypothesis is most valuable in biology when it can be tested by?

observation and experimentation ~hpwizard112

How Biology Do Their work?

the scientist called biologist make som conclusion after a hypothesis and theory then they work on it

What is the answer to your biology questions?

I provide information and answers on biology-related topics. Feel free to ask any specific questions you have on the subject, and I'll do my best to assist you.

What has the author Elisabet Sahtouris written?

Elisabet Sahtouris has written: 'Earthdance' -- subject(s): Evolution (Biology), Philosophy, Gaia hypothesis

A theory is a hypothesis that has been shown to be correct by many experiments?

NO, A theory becomes the hypothesis and after many experiments the hypothesis can become the law of whatever is being tested and tried, be it in physics, chemistry, biology, and or math.... However everything works in theory.....

What is the Good Gene Hypothesis and how does it impact our understanding of evolutionary biology?

The Good Gene Hypothesis suggests that certain traits or behaviors that are considered "good" for survival and reproduction will be favored by natural selection. This impacts our understanding of evolutionary biology by highlighting the importance of genetic fitness in shaping the evolution of species. It emphasizes the role of beneficial genes in driving evolutionary change and adaptation in populations over time.

What is the status of Darwins hypothesis today?

scientific advances in many fields of Biology, along with geology and physics, have confirmed and expanded most of Darwin's hypotheses

A possible explanation or answer to a question is a?

A hypothesis

If you have learned in biology class that substance called chlorophyll makes leaves green.You guess that perhaps leaves change color because they do not produce chlorophyll when temperatures get color?

formed a hypothesis

How do the terms 'hypothesis' and 'theory' differ from the public and from a biologist's approach?

To the public, a hypothesis is a mere guess or assumption, while a theory implies uncertainty. In biology, a hypothesis is a testable statement that leads to predicting outcomes in experiments, whereas a theory is a well-substantiated explanation based on evidence. Biologists view theories as comprehensive and supported by multiple lines of evidence.

What was Robert hookes hypothesis from his cell experiment?

Robert Hooke's hypothesis from his cell experiment, which he observed using a microscope, was that cells are the basic structural and functional units of all living organisms. He coined the term "cell" after observing the structure of a piece of cork. This discovery laid the foundation for the field of cell biology.

What has the author Jeffrey J W Baker written?

Jeffrey J. W. Baker has written: 'Matter, energy, and life' -- subject(s): Biochemistry, Biochimie 'Hypothesis, prediction, and implication in biology' -- subject(s): Biology, Methodology 'The vital process; photosynthesis' -- subject(s): Juvenile literature, Photosynthesis