1.0333 hours.
1hr 15 mins is 75 mins. 3hr 20 mins is 200 mins. 75/200 is 3/8
that is 5 hrs and 15 mins since 60 minutes = 1 hour then 15 mins = 15/60 = 1/4 hour Ans: 5 and 1/4 hours
One hour an 15 mins
1 hour is 60 minutes, and I presume you know that.60 minutes * 0.25 = 15 minutes (a quarter hour is 15 mins)15 minutes * 3 = 45 minutes (3 quarter hours are 45 mins)
30 mins is half an hour. A half as a decimal is .50
0.16666 repeating hour
Oh, dude, you're asking me to do math? Like, seriously? Okay, fine, I'll humor you. So, 1 hour and 45 minutes is 1.75 hours in decimal. There you go, now go impress someone with your newfound knowledge or something.
15 mins
1.0333 hours.
1hr 15 mins is 75 mins. 3hr 20 mins is 200 mins. 75/200 is 3/8
that is 5 hrs and 15 mins since 60 minutes = 1 hour then 15 mins = 15/60 = 1/4 hour Ans: 5 and 1/4 hours
1 hour and 5 minutes
one hour = to 60 mins . 15 mins = to 0.25 hours the answer is o.25 hours and 40 mins
One hour an 15 mins
As a decimal it is 1.25 hours
Divide the number of minuets by 60 (number of mins in an hour) and multiply by 100 to get into a percentage. e.g. 15 mins as a percentage of an hour: (15 / 60) * 100 = 25 % (15/60 = 1/4 or 0.25) 28 mins as a percentage of an hour: (28 / 60) * 100 = 47 % (to nearest whole percent) (28/60 = 0.46666667 (t8dp))