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Q: What is image this is the current weather in your area its 64' f and overcast.there is a storm 500 miles north moving south toward you at a speed of 260 mph?
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What is true about an ocean current that moves toward the equator?

An ocean current that is moving toward the equator has the same effects as those of a geostrophic current.

Is an ocean current moving from the equator toward a pole warm?

Yes, an ocean current moving from the equator toward a pole is typically warm. These currents carry warm water from the equator to higher latitudes, impacting the temperature and climate of the areas they flow through.

If a weather front is moving toward an area it means?

that the weather conditions in that area are likely to change soon. As the front moves closer, it can bring shifts in temperature, precipitation, and wind patterns. People in the area should stay updated on weather forecasts to prepare for potential changes.

What is it called if a weather front is essentially not moving?

The term is "stationary front" although it may still be moving, just not on a continuing line toward or away from the center of one pressure system (i.e. cold front, warm front).

Does the galaxy moving each other?

Yes, some of the galaxies are moving toward each other like our milky way and Andromeda moving toward each other with the speed 120 km per second and after 3 billion years from now these galaxies collide with one another. The current distance of Andromeda from milky way is about 2.5 million light years

Objects that are moving away from us give off what light and objects that aremoving toward us gives what light?

Due to the doppler effect, objects moving toward us will be slightly more red than what they actually are, and objects moving away will be slightly more blue. Think of it like a siren coming toward you and moving away from you. If it is moving toward you, it will be slightly higher than what it really sounds like. If it is moving away it will have a slightly lower pitch.

What rhymes with moving forward?

Going toward

Are you moving toward a black hole?

Since we are always in motion and we have reason to believe that there are many black holes in the universe, there is bound to be one in the direction that we are moving. So, yes, I am moving toward a black hole. As are you.

Why can't the earth be seen moving toward you when you jump up in the air?

you can't see it moving because your moving with it

Why you cant see object moving toward them?


If a star is moving toward earth is it?

blue shifted

Is a star is moving toward earth it is?

blue shifted