Well impassive means having, or revealing, no emotion; Still or motionless.
So impassive expression should mean that the person isn't showing much emotion
You convert an (infix) expression into a postfix expression as part of the process of generating code to evaluate that expression.
it is an expression
A more complicated expression.
A polynomial is always going to be an algebraic expression, but an algebraic expression doesn't always have to be a polynomial. An algebraic expression is an expression with a variable in it, and a polynomial is an expression with multiple terms with variables in it.
It is an expression with a variable, x.It is an expression with a variable, x.It is an expression with a variable, x.It is an expression with a variable, x.
The detective's impassive expression revealed nothing about his thoughts on the case.
The Impassive Footman was created in 1932.
n. # A blank, expressionless face. # A person, especially a performer, who has or assumes a blank expression. adj.Impassively matter-of-fact, as in style, behavior, or expression: deadpan delivery of the joke. adv. With a blank, expressionless face.v., -panned, -pan·ning, -pans. v.tr. To express in an impassive, matter-of-fact way. v.intr. To express oneself in an impassive, matter-of-fact way.
The man's face was impassive; whatever questions we asked, he would give nothing away. It's impossible to get through to her; she just remains impassive no matter what happens. The huge rock stands alone in the desert, completely impassive, like a judge pronouncing sentence.
Massive Passive
omega impassive
Those guards outside the palace are simply impassive.
they can include unfeeling, insensitive, callous, cruel, cold-hearted, pitiless and other such words
Emotional, communicative, passive.
caca is the answer