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Q: What is impossible to hold for half an hour but weighs nothing?
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What is impossible to hold for a half an hour yet weighs virtually nothing?


What can't you hold for more then 4 minutes but weighs nothing?

your breath

What weighs less than a feather but is impossible to hold for longer than ten minutes?

Your breath?

What weighs almost nothing but you can't hold it for a long time?

Your breath... that's to easy!

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A standard can of soda that is made to hold twelve ounces weighs about half of an ounce. This is the equivalent of around fourteen grams.

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it depends on what you hold it in

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How is it impossible to hold a cargo in your hand?

yes it is impossible because cargo's are VERY VERY HEAVY

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Of course u can ......its not easy but it is not impossible

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A half gallon jug can hold about $25.00 in pennies. (:

In how to eat an ice cream cone why does the author caution against letting the cashier hand you other peoples cones?

Because it’s impossible to hold several cones and pay the bill .