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Q: What is included when calculating a country?
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What gets included and excluded when calculating GDP?

total income and total expenditure are included when calculating GDP.

What is included when calculating a country's balance of payments?

Balance of payments (BoP) accounts are an accounting record of all monetary transactions between a country and the rest of the world. They include payments for the country's exports and imports of goods, services, financial capital, and financial transfers.None of the following is included.

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They are included.

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Every 120 days, a dog goes into heat. The pregnancy period is included when calculating the next heat.

Which of these would not be included as government spending when calculating the GDP?

unemployment benefits A+

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Yes direct material is part of product cost and included in calculating the product price.

Is a a farmers purchase of a new tractor incluDed or excluded in calculating GDP?

A farmer purchase of a new tractor it is included or excluded to the gross domestic and if it is a excluded or included why it is

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jhm haha :(

Why export is not included in calculating gross domestic product?

because then it wouldn't be a domestic total.

Why final withholding payments are not included in calculating total income?

final withholding payment are not included in calculating total income becouse are taxed on the hand of cooparation distributing payment to individual or unit of trust also has diffirent withholding tax rate

Do consumers from Illinois pay sales tax on shipping?

No. Shipping is not to be included when calculating sales tax.

Why are transfer payments not included as a government expenditure when calculating GDP?

no, because they are not payments for currently produced goods or services.