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It shows that the variable shown on the vertical (y) axis falls as the one on the horizontal (x) axis increase. The exact nature of that relationship depends on whether the line is straight or curved.

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Q: What is indicated about the slope of a line that slants down from left to right in a rectangular coordinate system?
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What the other name of rectangular coordinate system?

The other name for the rectangular coordinate system is the Cartesian coordinate system. You can remember it because cartography is the study of maps, which are generally rectangular.

Its Rene descarte's developed the rectangular coordinate system?

Rene Descartes developed the rectangular coordinate system.

What is other name of rectangular coordinate system?

Cartesian coordinate system.

what is y-coordinate in rectangular coordinate system?

A point's y coordinate is its vertical position, or how high or low it is.

What is the meaning of rcs in algebra?

Rectangular Coordinate System

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Who is the man behind the rectangular coordinate system?

Rene Descartes.

How important rectangular coordinate system?

The rectangular coordinate system is the basis for how we find locations on a map, for example (even though the earth is actually a sphere, this was a basis). I would say it is rather important.

What is a rectangular coordinate system and identify its parts?

It's like cheese.

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What is the zero point of a variable and the direction in which the values of the variable increases is indicated how?

it is indicated in a coordinate system

What are the components of a rectangular coordinate system?

cosine, sin* * * * *No. They are the horizontal or x-coordinate, called the abscissa; and the vertical or y-coordinate, called the ordinate.