The answer is still infinite. Infinity is not an ordinary number and does not obey the same rules as ordinary numbers.
10 (or e) to the power of x range from zero to infinity. Lets try the extreme cases: 10^infinity = infinity 10^0 = 1 10^-infinity = 1/infinity = 0
If you mean "expressions that result in the number ten", there are infinitely many. For example, you can add: 0 + 10 1 + 9 2 + 8 1.5 + 8.5 -1 + 11 etc. There you already have an infinity (an UNCOUNTABLE infinity) of options. Or you can subtract: 10 - 0 11 - 1 12 - 2 etc. Once again, you have an infinity of options; an uncountable infinity if you accept any number and not just integers.
No, that's not infinity. That's (10 ^ 10 ^ 100) + 1
Addition. Start with nothing. Add 10. Subtract 10. Or first subtract 10, then add 10. Result is back where you started.
Any specific number minus infinity is -∞ Note if you try to subtract infinity from infinity, the answer is undefined - because infinity is a "cardinality" rather than a specific number.
10 (or e) to the power of x range from zero to infinity. Lets try the extreme cases: 10^infinity = infinity 10^0 = 1 10^-infinity = 1/infinity = 0
If you mean "expressions that result in the number ten", there are infinitely many. For example, you can add: 0 + 10 1 + 9 2 + 8 1.5 + 8.5 -1 + 11 etc. There you already have an infinity (an UNCOUNTABLE infinity) of options. Or you can subtract: 10 - 0 11 - 1 12 - 2 etc. Once again, you have an infinity of options; an uncountable infinity if you accept any number and not just integers.
It is the biggest number. 10^∞.
The log of infinity, to any base, is infinity.
Infinity Land was created on 2004-10-04.
Infinity - film - was created on 1996-10-04.
Infinity on High was created on -20-10-07.
Marathon Infinity was created on 1996-10-15.
Infinity Online was created on 2006-10-12.
no - 10 doesn't equal 1However, could consider the so-called 'Bold Hypothesis' (introducing a new mathematical object (infinity) which equals 1/0, but otherwise behaves like a real number):1/0=infinity, therefore 1=infinity*0you know: 10*0=1*0 (any number *0=0)multiply each side by infinity (1/0): 10*0*infinity=1*0*infinitywhich is the same as: 10*(0*infinity)=1*(0*infinity)we have already said (1st line) that 1=infinity*0, therefore: 10*1=1*1which simplifies to give: 10=1which is impossible?!