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Campound interest

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Q: What is interest paid on the original principal plus any interest that has been left in the account?
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What is the math definition of principal?

The "principal" is the sum of money invested or borrowed, before interest or other revenue is added, or the remainder of that sum after payments have been made. In math, this applies to finance.

You deposit 900 in a savings account that earns 4 percent interest compounded once a year after 2 years the second years interest has been added how much will be in the account?

$972.00From Superscot85: Above answer is for Simple Interest. You specifically stated "compound" so after 2 years balance will be 900 x (1.04)2 ie 973.44

What is a letter of interest?

its the way of showing interest in a job which has been advertised and you are willing to get

How does a compound interest differ from a simple interest?

Simple interest is interest that is compounded solely on what was originally owed. For example, say you owe $500 at 10% annual interest. This means that at the end of the year, you owe $50 dollars in interest (10% of 500) on top of the $500 you already owe. If you were to not pay it again, at the end of the second year you would owe $550 plus another $50 making the total amount you owe to be $600. No matter how long you wait to pay off the debt it will only increase by $50 every year, since that is 10% of the original amount owed. Compound interest in interest that is compounded on what what was originally owed PLUS any interest left over. Using the example above if the interest on the original $500 had been compound interest by the second year one would have owed $550 plus an additional $55 dollars in interest (10% of 550). This is the danger of compound interest as it always increases as long as the debt continues to be unpaid.

What was the total savings for 400 annual rate 6 percent 6 percent compounded semiannually?

The total grows as time passes. That's the whole idea of interest and compounding. In order to calculate what the total is now, we need to know how long it has been in the account accumulating interest, and you haven't told us that.

Related questions

What is different about compound interest from normal interest?

Compound interest is calculated on the initial principal plus any accumulated interest, resulting in interest earning interest over time. Normal interest, on the other hand, is only calculated on the initial principal amount and does not take into account any interest that has already been earned.

What are the consequences of defying the power of attorney?

An agent who acts contrary to the duties of an agent can be liable to the Principal or the Principal's successors in interest for the amount required to restore the value of the Principal's property to what it would have been had the violation not occurred.

How has the agency theory been described?

Agency theory describes the relationship between principals (such as shareholders) and agents (such as managers) in organizations. It focuses on potential conflicts of interest that may arise when agents make decisions on behalf of principals and suggests mechanisms to align the interests of the two parties. The theory aims to address issues of agency cost, control, and monitoring to ensure that agents act in the best interests of the principals.

What is the math definition of principal?

The "principal" is the sum of money invested or borrowed, before interest or other revenue is added, or the remainder of that sum after payments have been made. In math, this applies to finance.

What does -- the process of deferring interest as an asset rather than an expense -- mean in WikiAnswers' answer to Capitalization of Interest?

Interest charged is normally an expense - in that it is a deduction from an account. Deferring payment of the interest, means the money that would have been paid is still in the account - making it an asset.

Do you have to pay the original balance on account that has been sold to collection agency?


900 in savings account that earns 4 percent interest after two years how much is in the account if no deposits or withdrawals have been made?

It depends on the compounding frequency of the rate of interest earned on your bank account. Some banks compound the interest yearly and some do it quarterly. If the interest is compounded every year you will have 973.44 at the end of 2 years.

is it legal for a garnishment collector to have been paid the amount owed in full, which was already twice the original amount due to interest to deny my settlment offer for which is only more interest left on the owed account?

You should refer to the judgement against you to determine what the Judge determined regarding interest. In terms of your garnishment, this is the only document that matters. If you feel you have been garnished too much you should contact an attorney.

Where can I find good interest rates on a checking account?

Interest rates have been low for the past several years, so a great way to gain a higher interest rate on your savings is to invest in a money market account with check writing privileges.

If a credit card account has been sold can the new company continue to charge interest?

in fact they do

Say you bought your truck for 12000 almost 3 years ago you have been paying over 300 a month for it since then how do you still owe 13692 on it?

The difference in the money amount is the interest you are paying on the loan. The formula is Interest=principal (amount of the loan)xrate of interest x time(lenght of time you pay the loan off. I= PxRxT Interest equals the principal x rate of interest x Tim (payoff time). Hope this helps.

Can a collection agency charge interest of 1030 to a charge off account that has been paid down to 700 from 4514 but you missed two months?

The collection company has probably charged interest sincethe day they received the account. The interest rate can differ from state to state on a charged off account. So yes, they can but that amount is not just for two months. You need to ask for a total breakdown on the account and see if the interest charged is correct.