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Q: What is interior angle of a hexadecagon?
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What is a regular 16-gon?

A regular 16 sided polygon is a hexadecagon. Each vertex has an interior angle of 180 - 360/16, or 157.5 degrees.

What is an exterior angle of a triangle and how does the measure of an exterior angle relate to the interior angles?

Exterior angle+interior angle=180 degrees and 180-exterior angle=interior angle

What is the intereor angle of a triangle?

An interior angle is any angle on the interior of the triangle.

What is the measure of a polygons interior angle?

It is: 180-exterior angle = interior angle

Which of these is the alternate interior angle of angle hge?

GEF is the alternate interior angle of angle hge.

What is the exterior and interior angle of a heptagon?

the interior angle is about 128.571428 the exterior angle is about 51.4285

What is allied angle?

An allied angle is an angle that is found on an interior line. An interior angle is the angle where to lines come together.

What is the sum of the interior angles of a 16-gon?

Assuming you mean a regular 16-gon (also known as a hexadecagon), the sum of the interior angles is 2520 degrees, or 14 Pi radians.

Is the vertex of the angle in the interior of the angle?

No. It forms the angle and so is neither in the interior nor the exterior.

How do you measure the interior angle of a polygon?

With a protractor or if you know the exterior angle then it's 180 - exterior angle = interior angle

What is the sum of an interior angle on a quadrilatral?

An interior angle is the inside angle of a shape e.g quadrilateral, square

How many diagonals are in a Hexadecagon?

A convex hexadecagon has 8 diagonals.