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to intersect

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Q: What is it called To have one or more points in common?
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To have one or more points in common?

intersecting lines

Two angles with two common points?

Two angles with two common points is commonly called a ray. An adjacent angle is an angle that has one common side and a common vertex.

What Pokemon are found in the Grassland Challenge?

The following Pokemon can be found in Ringtown's Grassland Challenge: Bulbasaur (common) 200 points Donphan (uncommon [obtain a high score]) 800 points Tangela (common/uncommon) 200 points Spearow (common) 400 points Tauros (selective [found in herd]) 500 points Fearow (mega rare [one]) 2601 points Skarmory (mega rare [one]) 2301 points Dodrio (mega rare [one]) 2301 points Abra (common) 500 points Slowpoke (uncommon [catch two or more Abra]) 1600 points Spoink (common) 400 points Rapidash (uncommon [catch two or more Spoink]) 1600 points Torchic (common) 300 points Combusken (uncommon [catch two or more Torchic]) 700 points Arcanine (rare [catch two or more Combusken]) 2000 points Kirlia (common) 300 points Gardevoir (uncommon [catch two or more Kirlia]) 500 points Doduo (rare [catch two or more Gardevoir]) 1800 points Kecleon (ultra rare/rare and invisible [catch one or more Doduo]) 1000 points Some Pokemon available in the Grassland Challenge may not be on this list.

How many points can opposite rays have in common?


What Pokemon are found in the Marine Challenge?

The following Pokemon can be found in Summerland's Marine Challenge: Magikarp (common) 100 points Remoraid (common) 200 points Octillery (common [found more readily after catching Remoraid]) 500 points Luvdisc (selective [found in school after high points obtained]) 700 points Pelipper (mega rare [one]) 2301 points Carvahna (common) 200 points Sharpedo (uncommon [Catch two or more Carvahna]) 400 points Staryu (common) 200 points Starmie (uncommon [Catch two or more Staryu]) 600 points Psyduck (rare [Catch two or more Starmie]) 1600 points Goldeen (common) 300 points Seaking (uncommon [Catch two or more Goldeen]) 700 points Wailmer (ultra rare [Catch three/four or more Seaking]) 2200 points Horsea (common) 400 points Seadra (uncommon [Catch one or more Horsea]) 800 points Kingdra (rare [Catch two or more Seadra]) 2300 points Mantine (ultra rare [catch many small Pokemon like Magikarp, Goldeen and Remoraid]) 1500 points Some Pokemon available in the Marine Challenge may not be on this list.

What is an area with one or more common characteristic called?


How points can opposit rays have in common?


How many points can opposite have in common?


Is there a record called all points west?

No, but there is one called all points east...

How many points can opposite rays have common?


How many points can an opposite ray have in common?


What is the positive number that tells you how far one point is from another point?

It is called the distance between the points. A common one is the Pythagorean distance but there are many other measures.