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Q: What is it called to arrange in order from greastest to least?
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Put in order from the least to the greastest -6 -22 plus 11?

They are: -22, -6 and 11

What is it called when you arrange numbers from greatest to least?

This is known as arranging the numbers in ascending order.

What is median in mathmatical language?

arrange the set of number in order from least to greatest and the middle number is the median. You have to arrange them in order from least to greatest or it's wrong. (or greatest to least)

Can you order 68 percent 50 percent 55percent and .0128 percent from least to greastest?

least to greatest = 0.0128%, 50%, 55%, 68%

How do I Put in order 15.25 15.03 and 15.2?

The answer is 15.03, 15.2, 15.25 least to greastest.

How do you order fractions and decimals from least to greastest?

The easiest way it to convert them all to decimals. Carry out the repeating decimals to an equal number of places. Then it is easy to put them in order.

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In descending order: 9.05, 9.051, 9.005

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How do you find the median with three numbers?

Arrange them in order, least to greatest. Select the one in the middle.

Write the following numbers in order from the least to the greastest 3.4 0.34 2.3 0.4 4 percent?

4% = 0.04 So in order of smallest to greatest we have: 4%, 0.34, 0.4, 2.3 & 3.4

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From least to greatest 0.26, 2.366, 21.9, and 23.65