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Q: What is it called when a factory focuses on making only one product?
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How is a viral replication similar to the making of a product in a factory How does it differ from the making of a product in a factory?

Viral replication is similar to the making of a product in a factory in that both processes involve the assembly of components to produce a final product. However, viral replication occurs within host cells and relies on the host cell machinery, while the manufacturing process in a factory typically involves machinery and human labor. Additionally, viral replication is a biological process that involves copying genetic material, while manufacturing in a factory is a mechanical or industrial process.

How do you use word Manufacturing in sentence?

The factory was manufacturing glass bottles [ something ] [ was making ] [ product ]

What product was made in anne frank factory?

Anne Frank's father, Otto Frank, owned a company called Opekta, which produced pectin, a substance used in making jam. The factory also produced and sold spices and herbs. Anne Frank and her family hid in a secret annex above the factory during World War II.

Do you use meal when making cornbread?

Cornmeal is used in making cornbread. A similar product is called "cornflour" in Britain.

What are examples of mass product?

An example of mass production is the making of a car.

Where is the address for the factory for making artificial limps in Germany?

where is the address of a factory for making artificial limps in Germany?

What is the difference between market and selling orientation of doing business?

market orientation mean market making for product. it is a long term prospective of the business.A firm using a sales orientation focuses primarily on the selling/promotion of a particular product, and not determining new consumer desires as such

What is difference between product cost period cost and expenses?

Product costs is the costs are the costs incurred in the making of the product. Manufacturing costs --Direct Materials, Direct Labor, and Manufacturing Overhead. Product cost are also factory costs Period costs are the selling and administration costs. Electricity costs for the Accounting dept. is an administration costs but Electricity costs for the factory is Manufacturing Overhead.

What is reflection of product oriented performance based assessments?

Product oriented assessment is a kind of assessment where in the assessor views and scores the final product made and not on the actual performance of making that product. It is concern on the product alone and not on the process. It is more concern to the outcome or the performance of the learner.It also focuses on achievement of the learner.

When using the military decision making processing which step focuses on the proactive requirements for environmental consideration?

Receipt of mission focuses on proactive requirements

What do you call a coin making factory?

A mint.

What is fabric production?

Textiles. Making it in a factory.