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Q: What is it called when a number that is multiplied by a variable in an algebraic expression?
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The number that is multiplied by the variable in an algebraic expression?

It is called the coefficient of the variable

What is the number that is multiplied by a variable in an algebraic expression?

That is often called the coefficient.

What is the number that multiplies a variable?

The number that multiplies a variable in an algebraic expression is called a coefficient. It is the numerical factor that is multiplied by the variable to form a term in the expression.

In an algebraic expression the quantities being multiplied are called?


What is a number that is multiplied by a variable in an expression?

The number is called the coefficient of the variable

In an algebraic expression the result of quantities being multiplied is called the what?


What is a constant multiplied by a variable called?

A term in an expression?

What do you call replacing a variable in an in a algebraic expression with a quantiy?

When you replace a variable with a quantity, it is called a substitution.

How many terms are in the expression 2x 8 - 2y 1?

A term can be a signed number, a variable, or a constant multiplied by a variable or variables. Each term in an algebraic expression is separated by a + sign or J sign. In , the terms are: 5x, 3y, and 8. When a term is made up of a constant multiplied by a variable or variables, that constant is called a coefficient.

An expression that contains at least one variable is called an algebraic expression?

it is a one-step equation

What do you call replacing a variable in an algebraic expression with a quaintity?

I think it is called "replacing" or "substitution".

What is the Type of algebraic expressions and give two examples?

A variable is a letter that represents a number. A n expression that contains at least one variable is called a variable expression or an algebraic expression.A variable expression has one or more terms. A term is a number, a variable, or a product of numbers and variables.An algebraic expression consisting of only one term is called a monomial (3x, xy, 2y, xyz); of two terms is called a binomial (x + y, x^2 - 1, a + 2b); of three terms is called trinomial (x + 2y - 4, 3x^2 + 2xz +3). In general, an algebraic expression consisting of two or more terms is called a polynomial