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Q: What is it called when arranging data in order?
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Data in order from smallest to largest or vice- versa?

Arranging data from smallest to largest is called ascending order, while arranging data from largest to smallest is called descending order.

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arrang the data in proper order in the program or in the memory is called a data structure, lke arranging the names of diff students in alphabetical order.

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Arranging characters in alphabetic order is called?

Arranging characters in alphabetic order is called sorting. It involves arranging letters or symbols in a predetermined sequence based on their position in the alphabet.

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This is known as arranging the numbers in ascending order.

Is the process of arranging data in a specific order based on the value in a field?

Yes, sorting is the process of arranging data in a specific order based on the value in a field. It can be done in ascending or descending order based on numerical or alphabetical values in a dataset. Sorting helps in organizing and analyzing data more effectively.

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The act of arranging task in order of importance or timeliness is called?


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This is called "Formatting"

Whats the order of occurrence called?

Chronology is the the science of arranging events in according to the order of occurrence.