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Q: What is it called when body temperature goes above 41 degrees celsius?
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Related questions

Which country has regions always above 20 degrees Celsius?

Spain has a region called the Canary Islands. On the islands the temperature is always above 20 Celsius.

What substance become a liquid when his temperature is above 0 degrees Celsius?

Water becomes a liquid when its temperature is above 0 degrees Celsius.

Ice will begin to melt when?

the temperature rises above 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius).

Which is colder 40 Celsius or 0 Celsius?

0 degrees Celsius is a colder temperature than 40 degrees Celsius. 0 degrees Celsius is the freezing level for water. Any positive number above 0 degrees Celsius is a warmer temperature.

On the Celsius scale what temperature is twenty degrees above the boiling point of water?

Twenty degrees above the boiling point of water (100 degrees Celsius) would be 120 degrees Celsius.

What happens to temperature above 0 degrees?

As temperature rises above 0 degrees Celsius, water transitions from a solid (ice) to a liquid state. This process is called melting.

What means 105 Celsius?

105 degrees Celsius is a high temperature that is equivalent to 221 degrees Fahrenheit. It is above the boiling point of water, which is 100 degrees Celsius. This temperature is typically associated with cooking or industrial processes.

On the celsius scale what temperature is 48 degrees above the freezing point of the water?

48 degrees above the freezing point of water on the Celsius scale is equal to 48 degrees Celsius.

What in celsius is a comfortable room temperature?

A temperature of 24 degrees Celsius is considered to be a comfortable room temperature for most people. A couple degrees above or below is considered acceptable as well.

What happens if you heat the steam above 100 degrees celsius?

If you heat steam above 100 degrees Celsius, it will continue to increase in temperature without changing to water. This is because steam is already in a gaseous state at temperatures above 100 degrees Celsius.

What is the temperature when it is 15c above the freezing point of water?

The freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius. Therefore, 15 degrees Celsius above the freezing point would be 15 + 0 = 15 degrees Celsius.

Does 139 Celsius mean its cold?

No, 139 degrees Celsius is quite hot. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius, so a temperature of 139 degrees Celsius would be much higher than room temperature.