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Q: What is it called when equation has more than one operation?
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An equation with more than one operation?

an equation with more than one operation

What is the term for an equation with more than variable?

An equation with more than one variable is called a multivariate equation.

what is called an equation that contains more than one variable?

Multivariable equation

What is is an equation with more than one variable called?

Simultaneous equation* * * * *No, simultaneous equations are two or more equations that have all to be true at the same time (simultaneously) for the solution.An equation with more than one variable is a multivariate equaion.Area = 0.5*Length*Height or a = 0.5*l*h for the area of a triangle has more than one variables, but it is certainly not simultaneous.An equation with a variable is called a single variable equation. An equation that has more than one variable is called as a multi-variable equation. A polynomial equation has one variable in different powers: a common example is quadratic equations.

What is the rule for solving equations?

Well, there is the order of operations, which depicts the order that you solve an equation with if you have more than one operation. Here is the order;ParenthesesExponentsMultiplicationDivisionAdditionSubtraction

What is a set of rules used to evaluate more than one operation called?

order of operations

What is a mathematical phrase that uses only number and operation signs?

If there is an equal sign, it is called an equation; if there is a less-than, a less-than-or-equal, a greater-than, or a greater-than-or-equal sign, an inequality; if there is none of these, an expression.

Do the words more than sometimes suggest the operation of multiplication?

Yesthe words more than do sometimes suggest the operation of multiplication. Also the words more than suggest the operation of adding.

What is the special set of rules called to solve expressions with more than one operation?

The order of operations :)

When do you use order of operations?

You use order of operations in equations that have more than one type of operation going on (for example, an equation with parenthesis, addition, and multiplication). You would use order of operations in equations like that so you know which operation to do first.

What is the equation called when you use greater than less than or equal to?

This is called an inequality.

Equation that contains more than one variable?

A bivariate equation.