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The zero product rule.

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Q: What is it called when the product of any number and is 0 is 0?
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Related questions

What is the product of any number and any nonzero number?

A number - which would also be the case if the second number were 0. The result is called the product or the multiple.

What is the product of zero and any number?

The product of zero and any number is always 0.

What is the product of any number and 0?

The product is obtained by multiplying two numbers. The product obtained by multiplying a number by 1 is equal to the number, i.e. 1 x 10 = 10(product). Therefore the product of any number and 0 is always 0.

What is the product of 0 and 3?

the product of any number and 0 is always in this case the answer will be 0.

Is the product of a rational number and an irrational number always irrational?

No. 0 is a rational number and the product of 0 and any irrational number will be 0, a rational. Otherwise, though, the product will always be irrational.

When you multiply any number by 0 is the product 0?


What is the product of 63 and 0?

0 Any number times 0 = 0

What is a number that is the product of any number and itself?

I believe its 0

What is the rule called when you multiply 0 bye any number and still end up with 0 as a product?

The rule is: "The product of zero and any number is zero." If the rule has a name, other than "The multiplication table of zero", I've never heard it.

What is the product of 1.3 and 0?

0: The product of 0 and any number, including zero itself. is always zero.

Is 0 a multiple of the counting number 7?

Yes, it is true that any number multiplied by 0 is 0. But zero is not considered a "multiple" (integral product) of any number.

What is the value of KT at T equals 0?

0. The product of any number and 0 is 0.