It can be either. It is the number at the top of a fraction.
The number on the top of a fraction is called the numerator. The number on the bottom is the denominator.
The number on top of a fraction is called the numerator. It represents the number of parts being considered.
The number on the top of a fraction is called a numerator, the number on the bottom is the denominator.
A vulgar fraction is one where the numerator (the number on the top) is bigger than the denominator (the number at the bottom).
It is called a top-heavy fraction. This is called an improper fraction. Example: 45/42 -
An Improper Fraction is when the top number is bigger than the bottom number
It can be either. It is the number at the top of a fraction.
An Improper Fraction is when the top number is bigger than the bottom number
The number on the top of a fraction is called the numerator. The number on the bottom is the denominator.
The number on top of a fraction is called the numerator. It represents the number of parts being considered.
The number on the top of a fraction is called a numerator, the number on the bottom is the denominator.
The name of a fraction with a larger number on top is called an improper fraction.
A vulgar fraction is one where the numerator (the number on the top) is bigger than the denominator (the number at the bottom).
an improper fraction is a fraction is were the numerator (top number) is bigger than the denominator (bottom number) e.g. 8/2
In a fraction the top number is called the numerator and the bottom a denomimator. So basically the top number in a fraction.
an improper fraction is a fraction that the top number (numerator) is bigger than the bottom one (denominator)