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Q: What is it called when you can only multiply the number one to get that number?
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What is it called when numbers that multiply to be negative one?

There is no such number. :/

What will be answer of3754 in octal multiply?

Multiplication is a binary operation. That means you need to have two (or more) numbers that you multiply together to get an answer. There is only one number in your question.

Can you multiply by one?

Yes. The number one is called the "multiplicative identity" because any number multiplied by 1 is the same number. This is useful in working with fractions, because you can multiply by improper fractions such as 3/3 or 5/5 to achieve like denominators.

What is it called when a number can only be multiplied by itself and one?

Prime number

What are the parts of an multiply problem?

In grade school when you multiply two numbers by putting one below the other,the top number is called the multiplicand and the bottom one the multiplier.In algebraic expression such as 2xy, the numbers multiplied together are called factors.

What are numbers called with only one factor?

The only number with a single factor is ' 1 '. Every other number has at least two factors: ' 1 ' and itself. A number with only those two factors and no others is called a "prime" number.

A number whose only factors are itself and one is called a?

prime number

Why is it that when you multiply fractions the number is smaller?

when you multiply by a number larger than 1, the number is bigger. When you multiply by 1, the number is the same, and when you multiply be a number between 0 and 1 (fractions and decimals), the number is smalller than one. multiplication is an expression of how much of something. ex: 3*4=12 If you have three 4s, you have twelve. 1*8=8 If you have one 8, you only have one 8! (1/2)*6=3 Half of 6 is 3, and 3 is smaller than 6.

Why does x 0 have only one solution?

Anytime you multiply a number by zero, the product will always be zero. Thus, whenever a number, regardless of its value, is multiplied by zero, there is only one possible solution: zero.

What is a number that has only two factors called?

A prime number.

Is multiply a greater number or part?

It depends. If you start with a positive number, then multiply by a positive greater than one and the answer is greater; multiply by 1 and the answer is the same; multiply by a number between 0 and 1 and the answer is smaller; multiply by 0 and the answer is 0; multiply by a number less than 0 and the answer is negative.

What is a whole number with only two factors - one and itself?

A prime number has only two factors - 1 and itself.this is called a prime number. any number that has the only only two factors of one and itself is prime.