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Q: What is it called when you can run for a long distance and not get tired?
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Related questions

What is slow run called?

a long slow run is usually called LSD.. long slow distance. Otherwise, just "easy" or a "jog".

What is long distance races?

In track and field there is a long distance heat. In the long distance heat the runner will run over 3 miles. It is not usually as long as a cross country run.

Does your race affect how fast you run?

For some short distance races you put all energy into running so you go faster, but in long distance and you all energy into running, then you would be out of breath or extremely tired faster. It's in your perspective.

When lovers run away to be together it is termed 'elope' - what is the term for lovers separated by circumstances or distance yet long to be together?

its called a long term relationship.

How do you run fast.?

It depends on which distance you want to run fast. These are sprint, middle distance or long distance running. The training for each of these is very different.

How long is the long distance run in Wii fit?

1 mile

How is a horse able to run for a long distance?

They can do that because they don't run out of steam easily

Why is fluid intake so important for long distance running?

H20 is a substance converted into energy. It goes through the body and keeps you hydrated.If you need to run a lot, you're body will feel tired,this is really because you are dehydrated.

How many people join in the long distance run?


Who runs the www1010738ca its a 1010 long distance phone calls website in Canada?

According to their web-site - it's run by a company called 'Revtel'

What do you get when you run after a car?


Why do you yawn when you run?

Yawning during exercise, such as running, can be due to a need for increased oxygen intake. It may also be a way for your body to regulate temperature or reduce stress. Additionally, yawning when running could be a response to fatigue or tiredness.