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Spinning or rotating

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Q: What is it called when you go round and round?
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What is a merry go round called?

They are also known as "carousels."

Where can you find a card game called round table?

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How do you round 9608 to the nearest million?

Its Called Go To High School And You Will Find Your Answer..... The answer is 0, it would round down to 0 but that makes no sense as a question.

Who sings the song that goes Merry go round and round Merry go round and round?

Motley crue

Who sings the song round and round we go let me here you say scrub the ground?

it's by Uncle Luke and it's called Scrub da Ground

Is Selena Gomez going to have a CD album called round and round?

round and round is on the album called a year without rain

Why did Selena Gomez go blond?

She wants to be a blond. Like in her music video "Round and Round" she had a blond wig on! And she has her own song called "As A Blond" Listen to it on YouTube.

How does the world go round and round?

It goes round and round because of gravity.

When was World Go 'Round created?

World Go 'Round was created in 2005.

What album has the song round round?

its the album by Selena Gomez the album is called round and round

What is a game similar to sushi go round?

sushi go round 2!

What shapes do tsunamis have in them?

circular round shapes that go round and round