When you write the way you speak it's called an informal or casual style.
If you normally use language unique to a particular place or region, it's called a colloquial style. An example of this would be Tom Sawyer or Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain.
"One million one thousand" is the way to write the number "1,001,000" in word format. The person who has that amount in assets and money is called a millionaire.
another way to write 2542 is word form....
If you mean the way we write the numerals 0 through 9, those are called Arabic numerals.
The correct way to write it is ' 120 '.The correct way to say it is "One hundred twenty".
1010 is the simplest way to write it.
Phonetic writing?
This is called literacy.
There is no language called Israeli. People speak Hebrew and they write using Hebrew alphabets.
write the way-you speak take a positive approach write at the readers level
The person who is able to speak or write several languages is called the " Polyglots ".
There is now possible way. Write EA games a letter or something.
A more natural way to ask would be: "What is a convenient time for me to speak to you?"
You can write "I do not speak Spanish" as "No hablo español" in Spanish.
So that way they will have a good idea of what they need to learn..
Write sentences the way you speak - just pretend you are telling this to a friend, and write down what you would say. What would you tell them about this topic?
Maybe because your spelling and grammar is less than perfect. Try improving the way you speak and write. Sometimes all it takes is a small change like that to become attractive. Maybe you are a super hottie, but the way you speak is weird. Try to adopt the way that people speak around you, or the way that the person you like speaks.
It approximates the way people speak in normal conversation