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This is called an acrostic poem.For example, using the name "Scott":






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Q: What is it called when you write your name vertically and give each letter and characteristic?
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Who created acrostic poetry?

Acrostic poems are types of poems which use words for their subject. Each line of the poems starts with a letter from that subject word. These types of poems do not have to rhyme. It is sometimes referred to as a name poem.

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The Japanese writing system traditionally originated from Chinese characters, which were written vertically. Over time, the Japanese developed a unique writing style called "tategaki," where texts are written vertically from top to bottom, right to left. This format is still followed in traditional and formal settings, although horizontal writing is also commonly used today, especially in modern and informal contexts.

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To write an acrostic poem for democracy, start by writing the word "DEMOCRACY" vertically down the page. Then, for each letter, write a line that describes a key aspect or value associated with democracy. Ensure that each line starts with the corresponding letter of "DEMOCRACY." Be creative and expressive in your writing to capture the essence of democracy in each line.

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