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Q: What is it so important about the number 7 willow feels connected to?
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What are the characters in willow by Julia Hoban?

The themes of Willow vary from adolescent rebellion to mentioning Anthropology to a great extent. The book begins with Willow a teen disturbed by the death of her parents and the fact she has to live with her brother, whom she thinks she's disturbing his newlywed life. Willow begins to cut herself, the novel later explains that the pain she feels physically is a distraction to the pain she feels emotionally. She soon meets a young man who shares her love with Anthropology, and despite Willow's attempts not to fall in love, she does. In all the novel is great, a bit angsty but not over done. Julian Hoban writes a great novel filled with love and wonderful themes, read it you'll enjoy it greatly.

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Annemarie does feel brave in number the stars she also feels freindly. She feels brave because she never thought she could have done what she did.???Yes Annemarie feels brave .YES,

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In order to conduct a feasibility study before building a resort, it is important to consider the need for the resort, the best location for the resort, the sources of money to get started, and projected number of guests. It is also important to consider how the local population feels about the resort.

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You are getting a cricket bat what bat shall you get?

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