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Q: What is it that walks on four feet and three feet and has only one voice when it walks on most feet it is weakest?
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What goes on four feet in the morning two feet at noon and three feet in the evening?

The answer to this riddle is a man. In the morning of his life he crawls or goes on four feet, in the afternoon of his life he walks on two feet, and in the evening of his life he uses a cane and goes on three feet.

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Loudness of normal adult human voice is about 70 db at three feet according to

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Why does a human walk on 4 feet in the morning 2 feet in the day and 3 feet at night?

He crawls on all fours in the morning of his life, walks upright on two feet in the day of his life and walks with a cane in the night of his life. The answer is hidden in the question. It is human baby that walks on Four during babyhood, Two when he can stand and walk on two legs, in the evening of his life (old age) he is bent and takes a stick in his hand to walk on Three legs. (Read the play: Aedipus Rex by Sophocles.)

What walks on 4 feet in the morning 2 feet in the day and 3 feet at night?

a human

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Zach Efron

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A what organsim walks on two feet?


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The different between a man and a lion is that a man walks with two feet while a lion walks with four feet

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The echinda has feet and legs. It walks.

Can idog walks?

no, but the dance and ampd' can tap their feet.