A person concerned with principles of right and wrong or conforming to high standards of behaviour.
Weaknesses in the integrity of a person or thing.
In one word. YES! I agree with what Vince Lombardi said years ago regarding the subject of integrity. He said that the quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to a person's commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor. In other words, we must remember that every decision is ultimately a decision of the will. We cannot depend on the world's standard of ethics and integrity for our personal lives. We need a more sure base of belief for our conduct. I believe that this base can be found in the Bible, the conscience, and the particular leading of God in an individual's life. But knowing what the Bible says and what God wants is not sufficient. We must do it! Knowledge is no substitute for action. We must know what is right and do what is right. And that's why I believe that knowing what the Bible says on any subject is a first step to personal integrity and professional integrity. Mr. Beans.....
Data integrity is a term used in databases. In its broadest use, "data integrity" refers to the accuracy and consistency of data stored in a database, data warehouse, data mart or other construct. The term - Data Integrity - can be used to describe a state, a process or a function - and is often used as a proxy for "data quality".
its important because your stupid
You could say someone with integrity, or describe integrity but there is no adjective like "integritful" or something. hope this helped
A person with integrity could be called honest, honorable, principled, or trustworthy.
Measuring the integrity of a person in an interview alone is difficult. One can only make a preliminary judgment of whether to give the person additional opportunities to show integrity or not.
Integrity, you either have it or you don't. He or she that does not have integrity needs to get it period. If you have it, you have it.
"A reliable and committed person of integrity always follows through on their promises."
Integrity, in layman's terms, means the person is honest, responsible, and trustworthy. In other words, you could trust that person to do the right thing even when you are not watching them. That's integrity.
Weaknesses in the integrity of a person or thing.
Integrity and faith in it.
Weaknesses in the integrity of a person or thing.
The word integrity is a common, uncountable, abstract noun; a word for a quality of a person or a state of being of a thing.
Yes, most definitely. There is an old saying, "integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching." If a person doesn't have integrity you can't trust them and if you can't trust a person there's no point in being friends.
No, you cannot be born with more integrity than others. It is up to the person to decide if he/she wants to have a lot or a little integrity.