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Q: What is it when one side of your stomach is slightly larger than the other side?
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Why Does a Breast bigger then the other?

The right side and the left side of the body are not the same size. Usually you have one that is bigger and you notice it buying shoes for instance when one shoe is slightly bigger then the other. A breast can also hang lower then the other so it seem larger.

Why does your dog slide acroos the floor on her stomach?

To get to the other side?

Is it natural to have one side of your stomach protrude more than the other?


Should stomach be bigger on one side?

A stomach that is noticeably bigger on one side could be a sign of an underlying health issue such as bloating, fluid retention, or even an organ enlargement. It is important to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Why would one side of the liver be larger than the other side?

Because it is not symmetrical.

What does it mean when your left hand is bigger?

Means you use it more - everybody's body parts are slightly different, with one side being a bit larger than the other. Usually you don't notice, but it's natural.

Is the water molecule slighty negative or slighty positive?

Both. It is slightly negative from one side and slightly positive from the other.

Why does your stomach where your appendix is on the other side?

you should be more concerned with your brain at this point

How do you remove side stomach fat?

when you do sit ups justtwist your body (stomach) side to side. l when you do sit ups just twist you stomach side to side

Where does the stomach lie with reference esophagus?

The stomach lies inferior to the esophagus in the abdominal cavity. The esophagus connects the throat to the stomach, allowing food to pass from the mouth to the stomach for digestion.

What is on the other side of your bellybutton?

The outer layer of your inner stomach. It protects the acids from coming out. :/

Is the stomach on the right side of the body?

your stomach is on the left side of your body