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Q: What is it when you keep pressure equal on both sides of the eardrum?
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Does the cochlea keep both sides of the eardrum equal?

No. The cochlea transmit sound from the eardrum. The Eustachian tubes keep the pressure inside the ear equalized with the external pressure.

Why must the pressure remain the same on both sides of the ear drum?

If pressure is higher in the inside of the eardrum, the eardrum will pop. If pressure is higher outside the eardrum cave in.

What keeps pressure on both sides of the eardrum?

eustachian tube

What structure opens to equalize pressure in the ear?

The Eustachian tube is the structure that opens to equalize pressure in the ear. It connects the middle ear to the back of the nose and throat, allowing air to flow in and out to maintain equal pressure on both sides of the eardrum.

What is located between the middle ear and the throat and serves to equalize pressure on both sides of the eardrum?

The Eustachian tube is located between the middle ear and the throat and helps to equalize pressure on both sides of the eardrum. It opens when we yawn or swallow to allow air to pass through. This function helps prevent discomfort or damage to the eardrum due to pressure changes.

What maintains equal pressure on both sides of the ear drum?

Eustachian tubes

What auditory tub connects what two tubs?

The Eustachian tube connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx, allowing air pressure to equalize on both sides of the eardrum.

When water stop moving across a membrane?

Must be that pressure is equal on both sides...

What keeps pressure equal on both sides of the eardrums?

eustachian tube

Pressure is equalized on both sides of the tympanic membrane of the ear through a structure called the?

The Eustachian tube is also known as the auditory tube. Its main function is to maintain equal pressure on both sides of the tympanic membrane.

What is a human tube?

This is the tube that connects the ear with the throat. Its function is to equalize air pressure on both sides of the eardrum to keep the eardrum from rupturing and to reduce pain that may be felt when air pressure is reduced. When a person yawns or swallows, the eustachian tube opens, and some of the air in the middle ear may pass into the throat, adjusting the pressure in the middle ear to match the pressure in the outer ear.

Why can you hear better after yawning?

Yawning, particularly if you have some congestion due to cold or allergies, helps even out the pressure on both sides of the eardrum. This allows it to operate properly to transmit the sound waves correctly.