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Q: What is jursidiction over the respondent?
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What is respondent variables?

a factor that may change according to the manipulated variable

What are the advantages of a questionnaire?

They are very cost effective when compared to face-to-face interviews. This is especially true for studies involving large sample sizes and large geographic areas. Written questionnaires become even more cost effective as the number of research questions increases. Questionnaires are easy to analyze. Data entry and tabulation for nearly all surveys can be easily done with many computer software packages. Questionnaires are familiar to most people. Nearly everyone has had some experience completing questionnaires and they generally do not make people apprehensive. Questionnaires reduce bias. There is uniform question presentation and no middle-man bias. The researcher's own opinions will not influence the respondent to answer questions in a certain manner. There are no verbal or visual clues to influence the respondent. Questionnaires are less intrusive than telephone or face-to-face surveys. When a respondent receives a questionnaire in the mail, he is free to complete the questionnaire on his own time-table. Unlike other research methods, the respondent is not interrupted by the research instrument.

What is selected sample?

It is a sample in which the respondent decides whether or not to participate. A typical situation would be when a pile of questionnaires is left for people to fill in - if they like. Only those so inclined will do so.

What is the Best way to answer the Likert Scale?

The Likert type question is used to determine the respondent attitude or feeling on a particular specific item. There are numerous ways to set up the answer types on the Likert scale; see the related links.

Consumer awareness among household collection of data?

collection of data , you collect 50 response sheet, 25 of urban and 25 rural respondents . you have personally approach each and every respondent or seek the help of your friends or classmates............. :)

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Does the New York Court of Appeals have original jursidiction?

They have original jurisdiction over the cases emanating from the lower courts within their assigned circuit.

Does a Florida court have jurisdiction over a respondent that lives in Georgia?

Not if it is only a State Court.

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That's in your jursidiction . i'd fight !

Is this how you spell respondent or respondant?

What does responder mean? thats what i want to know not stupid respondent gosh >:|

What do you call the person filling out the questionnaire?

the answerer i think..............The respondent.

What is respondent in a federal court?

The respondent is the person or group accused or sued.

Is the respondent the defendant in the legal case?

Yes, the respondent is the defendant in a legal case.

Who is the respondent in the survey?

The respondent in a survey is the person who answers the questions and provides feedback or information.

How does one become a respondent in a divorce case?

One can become a respondent in a divorce case when their partner files for a divorce. The one who files the divorce is the petitioner and the other partner is the respondent.

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what happen's if a respondent dose not serve the petitioner a response to a summons

Who opposes the petitioner?

the respondent

What battle ended the idea that the Civil War was going to be over quickly?

Fort Sumerter. NEW RESPONDENT The battle of First Bull Run.