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Q: What is least count of a clock if it has hours hand and minute hand?
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What is the least count of clock if it has hours hand minutr hand and second hand?

its least count will be one second

What is the least count of a clock if it has hours hand minutes hand and seconds hand?

one second

What is least count of a clock?

1 secc

How do you calculate the least count of a clock?

To calculate the least count of a clock, divide the smallest measurement unit of the clock by the total number of divisions on the scale. For example, if the smallest measurement unit is 0.1 seconds and there are 10 divisions on the scale, the least count would be 0.1 seconds divided by 10, which equals 0.01 seconds.

A twelve hour clock loses 1 minute every hour Suppose it shows the correct time now What is the least number of hours from now when it will again show the correct time?

720 hours.

What is the least count of a clock?

look when u start ur stop watch if u get reading as 0.00 , then the least value measured by watch wiil be 0.01 ....which is ur least count...

What is the least count of wrist watch?

least count of wrist watch is 1 is not 1 minute as some teachers say including mr.-------------------

What is the least count of an analytical balance?

The least count of an analytical balance is typically 0.1 mg. This means that the balance can measure differences in mass as small as 0.1 mg.

How many times a day broken clock correct?

A broken clock is correct twice a day. This is because a clock with hands that are stuck will still display the correct time at least twice a day when the hour and minute hands align with the correct time.

What is least count scale?

least count of scale is 1mm

What does a least count mean in physics?

least count means L.C.

Least count of theodolite?

5 mm is the least count of theodolite.