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In mathematics, the Pythagorean theorem is a relation in Euclidean geometry among the three sides of a right triangle.

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Q: What is leg squared plusleg squared equals hypotenuse squared?
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What is the length of the shorter leg of a right triangle if the longer leg has a length of 45 and the hypotenuse has a length of 53?

Subtract the squared longer leg's squared length from the hypotenuse's square to obtain the squared shorter leg length. Then find the square root of that answer for your final answer. In other words: 53 squared minus 45 squared equals your squared answer.

Formula for a right triangle?

a squared + b squared = c squared a=leg b=leg c=hypotenuse

How do you find the length of a leg on a right triangle when one leg and the slope of the hypotenuse is given?

Use tangent. Your equation will be tan(slope of hypotenuse) = opposite side / adjacent side. it's easier if you just do A squared plus b squared equals c squared. Then subtitute the numbers gived in.

What is the hypotenuse constant value for right Triangles with equal sides?

You mean a isoceles? An isoceles wouldn't have a right angle but would have 2 equal sides and 1 unequal in which case the values are x and x(root)2, In a right triangle the values are x , 2x , and x(root)3. The short side is x, and the long leg is 2x and the hypotenuse is x(root)3. If you are looking for the hypotenuse equation it is a(squared) + b(squared) = c(squared) in other words, leg one squared plus leg two squared equals hypotenuse squared.

What is the hypotenuse of a triangle with a base of 12 cm and a leg of 5 cm?

Hypotenuse squared = 12 squared + 5 Squared so Hypotenuse Squared = 144 + 25 so Hypotenuse = Square root of 169 = 13cm

What is the length of a leg of a right triangle with hypotenuse equals 22.5km and leg equals 44.7mm?

A hypotenuse should not be shorter than a leg length.

How long is the hypotenuse?

It depends on the triangle's legs. if we name 1 leg a, the other b, and the hypotenuse c, then a squared + b squared = c squared. once you get c, you get how long the hypotenuse is.

What is the hypotenuse of 40feet by 24 feet?

The hypotenuse is the side of a triangle opposite of a right angle. If you know the lengths of the two legs, or the two sides that are not the hypotenuse, you can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the hypotenuse. This theorem states that the sum of each leg squared (a squared and b squared) equals the square of the hypotenuse (c squared). a2 + b2 = c2 So: 402 + 242 = c2 1600 + 576 = c2 46.65 = c So, if one leg is 40 feet, and the other is 24 feet, the hypotenuse is about 46.65 feet long.

A right triangle has a hypotenuse c equals 12.6 and a leg b equals 8.5 what does leg a approximately?

Leg a = 9.3

What is the unknown side of the right triangle hypotense equals 13 ft leg equals 8ft?

13squared=8squared+leg squared. 169=64+leg squared. 105=leg squared. leg= the square root of 105

Who made up the pythagorean theorem?

Mathmaticaian Pthytaoras was the one who improved all the formulas and thoeries that Babylonians had developed centuries ago. Pythagorean theorem is basically one leg squared plus another leg squared equals to hypotenuse squared only works in right triangle though. and it expands to sin. cosin. and tangent...

What squared numbers the Pythagorean Theorem?

a2 + b2 = c2 a = a leg of the triangle, b = the other leg of the triangle, and c = the hypotenuse